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Presso la compagnia Famaga potete comprare R&S®FSL-K91 WLAN Application Firmware, nonché altre parti di ricambio della compagnia Rohde & Schwarz con consegna in tutto il mondo, compresa la vostra città Dublin. Per domandare dei prezzi, dei tempi di consegna e di altre caratteristiche dei prodotti Rohde & Schwarz, vi preghiamo di compilare il modulo di feedback o d’inviare una descrizione di quello che vi è necessario all’indirizzo di posta elettronica sales@famaga.us
WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/j TX Application FirmwareKey Facts
- Analysis at the RF or in the analog/digital baseband (optional)
- Demodulation bandwidth of 28 MHz
- Modulation formats for IEEE 802.11a/g/j: BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
- Modulation formats for IEEE 802.11b: DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK, short PLCP, long PLCP
Brief Description The R&S®FSL-K91 application firmware covers standard-related tests as well as further evaluations for in-depth analysis in development for signals in line with the WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/j standard.
Features & Benefits
- R&S®FSL-K91 WLAN application firmware
- Expands the R&S®FSL signal and spectrum analyzer by adding the capability to perform spectrum and modulation measurements on signals in line with the IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/j standard
- Provides complex WLAN measurements at a keystroke (automatic setting of modulation format)
- Performs measurements in the RF/IF range and in the baseband (analog and digital)
- Offers the ideal solution for a wide scope of WLAN applications
- Optimally designed for research, design, verification, and production applications
- Allows remote control of all functions via IEC/IEEE bus or LAN
- Analyzers supporting WLAN measurements Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide range of signal and spectrum analyzers for WLAN measurements:
- The R&S®FSL-K91 and R&S®FSL-K91n options provide the same user interface for a wide range of different spectrum and signal analyzers, offer optimal solutions for every application. No additional time is needed for transfer of T & M equipment from R & D to production
- Analyzers equipped with the R&S®FSL-K91/ R&S®FSL-K91n WLAN options are one-box solutions, which makes remote control easy. Test setups are straight-forward and space-saving.
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